Happiness Series Marketing Ethics Every day that I wake, I begin a battle in my conscious. What I want to do is at odds with what I feel I should do. “But it’s wrong. It’s got to be. So then why do I feel so guilty?” What I am certain is wrong is the feeling […]
One Hundred Years Ago…
It is 8:53 AM. Of the last 48 hours, 22 of them were without power. Losing power wasn’t the hard part. One hour before the power went out, my youngest daughter received a second degree burn. She was making ramen and spilled a bowl of boiling water down herself. I never moved so fast. I […]
Vipassana: Understanding Calm
Since I was fifteen years old, I have dedicated my life to philosophy, religion, and the pursuit of my happiness. I have since refrained from such religious labels and strayed from categories like Christian, Atheist, Hindu, Muslim, or Buddhist. While I have been clear on what I don’t believe, I have been less clear on […]
Hate only Hate
Only hate has earned hate. Learn to hate only hate. I’m trying to work this morning and I just can’t focus. I’m crying with sadness, just pure sadness at the hate that has swept the country. I thought it hadn’t touched me here in New York. Not the City. The mountains where we have a […]
Broken Society, Broken Family, Broken Me
Broken covers a plethora of topics such as rape, domestic violence, animal abuse… But first and foremost, it covers trauma and how these things look like from the inside. For these interviews, I sit down with AVBC and discuss the affects of trauma, PTSD, BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), and the impact trauma is having on […]
Protected: Broken: Alternate Ending
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Story Time: Broken and AVBC
Live Interview 25 February 2016 Tune in at 11:00 AM EST on 25 February 2016 Listen to the Author read Broken Buy Broken and get access to The Looking Glass only available through owners of the paperback or eBook.
Marital Affairs
Coming Soon… Marital Affairs The ugly truth and Hollywood’s glorification of an emotionally shredding experience. I wrote this on 2 November 2015… then swiftly forgot about it. Now, at nearly a year later since I wrote Broken, is as good a time as any to reflect on this. I’m going to be what only […]
Against the Shadows Part #2
I stepped into the subterranean lake. As always, moonlight spilled across the lake. I didn’t have to wait long to hear Erik’s violin and I smiled. Many a day and night I had laid in this room, splayed on the steps… on the bed… listening to him play. I grew up here, crying into his […]
So like me. You are I.
“You love him!” Hosea had screamed these words at me a hundred times before. There was no use in lying… pretending… I loved Him. It was more than apparent. I couldn’t say His name without glowing. “I do,” I said sorrowfully for Hosea. If there was a way I could undo this… Take away his […]