Update on The Eladrin Stones
When I first posted the Eladrin Stones way back when, I was new to blogging and didn’t think a 4,400 word chapter was a stretch. *Face palm…waits a moment while the reader shakes their head at the blogger* I have since caught on to the “keep it less than 1,000 words…500 is better” rule, and […]
The Holodeck
I have had the pleasure of knowing some very special writers. Writers are an amazing kind of people and I am honored to be among them. The world is a playground and the imagination of a writer is the limit. We’re adults who never stop playing at make-believe, who never stopped believing in magic, who […]
The Eladrin Stones
The Eladrin Stones Welcome to my mediocre hobby writing! The Eladrin Stones are D&D Fan Fiction that I do not take seriously. Neither should you. It is for ADULTS ONLY as there is much swearing and debauchery. The Eladrin Stones can only be found here as I am not publishing them nor am I putting […]
Reasons why Iron Man is better than Batman
29 Iron man grows as a character. He’s dimensional. 28 Batman is incompetent (Barbara Gordon) 27 Iron Man never had a Lego Movie created that totally bashed his franchise. 26 Batman Blows 25 Iron Man doesn’t need a signal. 24 Iron Man doesn’t brood. 23 Iron Man doesn’t feel so insecure as to need to […]