Shadow And Ash : Chapter #2

Being in Under Earth always felt like home. Being here deep within the Veil… Now, this was Home. Usually, I courted a palace with all the trimmings of a Fae Goddess, but today, I wanted the warmth of my Cottage. I wanted, more than anything, my cozy Witch’s layer deep in the Dungeons of the Palace. The Cauldron boiling. The fire crackling.

Hm… Let’s add my glass wear, baubles, and gizmos all over the shelves. Dusty? Hm. Half-Dusty.

As I spoke, all came into being and Rune and Kallan huddled close to each other, watching it all materialize at my say so.

“Tea?” I said. And the ancient pot appeared on the table with all the fixings of a proper afternoon tea. The window confessed late evening in The Veil.

I settled myself down at the rickety old table. So weird to have them here with me after all this time.

I’ll have to go back and read Dolor and Shadow after this.

“Go ahead,” I said, inviting them to sit.

They exchanged looks and sat down.


“You said Bergen was here,” Rune said, as I brought my tea cup to my lips.

“I am,” he said behind me, and I swiped his flask and poured a dollop of whiskey into my cup and hummed as I took a sip.


“Brother, what–.”

“Listen,” Bergen said.

And I smelled the aroma.

“This is fucking weird,” I said, and put my cup down. “It’s not every day an Author can just sit down and have tea with her… You guys.”

They blinked at me. Bergen smirked.

“Well, this is awkward,” I said and decided weed was a good idea at this moment. I stood up and grabbed my gummies.

After cutting them up and fluffing the in sugar, I popped one in my mouth, returned them to the bag, and sat back down.

“Once upon a place outside of time, there was a Goddess Queen who loved Story more than anything else in the world,” I said, starting.

“What did Gudrun say to you Kallan?”

“This is the oldest era,” I said. “We are back before the gods did the deeds that would deify them. We are back at the Beginning again… and we are at the End.”

“Who are you?” asked Kallan. I could tell she couldn’t stand it any longer.

“I am Danu. And I am The Mother. And I am The Healer, the Creator of all, I am pure Imagination. My Partner, is Laughter, a Shapeshifter, sometimes in the form of a Snake. He often is known as Medicine, hence, Laughter, who works beside me in Healing. And, together, we are the Creators.”

I took a sip of tea.

“And who am I?” she asked. I looked into her deep, violet eyes. I knew too well how long she looked for that answer.

“You are the part of me who was Lost,” I said. You are my Conscious Awareness who had forgotten me.”

Her eyes widened.

I stood from the table and turned my back to her. I couldn’t look at her. Not for a moment longer. How could I tell her this next part?

I had lived so many lives. I was at the point of Least Remembering. I had even forgotten myself. So, I sat down… the pain was so severe that I started to write. And the more I wrote, the less pain there was. I did not know it then, but I was writing Truth. And I wrote, and I wrote. The more I wrote, the more sense I could make of the World.

But.. I had no idea at the time, that I was Imagination, Goddess of Manifestation, and what I was really writing, was you, was me, was you.

And after nine long years, from 2006 to 2015, I finally had the Story exactly as I felt it was true, having no idea that it was my Truth that, upon finishing that Story, I had started a chain reaction that awakened me.”

I turned back to the table, Rune, and Kallan.

“And so, I wrote Broken. Another Story in my Stepping Stones of Logic, on my path to remembering me. And thus my Remembering began, but they told me it was “Healing” and “Shadow Work,” except… I was Danu. Goddess of Creation and Healing. I knew bull shit when I see bull shit. I am Goddess of Logic and Truth. And I walked away from them. I went off to find myself. And find myself, I did… In the arms of a Monkey Man who turned out to be My Imp King.”

“And I did not know him, but he knew me for he was Laughter. And his Laughter did Heal me. And Grow, I did. And that Healing brought me to my Remembering. But my Remembering broke him for it took all of his Laughter and Love to heal me until none was left for him.

“And I healed. And I Remembered. And the feeling of not being able to leave him was stronger than ever. And the Abstract began to merge with the Material Plane. And all that was Fiction revealed it’s Truth, and that is when I realized, there was no Fiction after all.

Which left me with the question, “Then what had I done to you?”

A tear slipped down my face.

I could not return to your Story, Kallan. I could not bear facing you. Knowing who you were, really. Knowing what I had done to you. Knowing what I had planned for Bergen. But Bergen came to me. He followed me. He never left my side. For he was a piece of my Imp King who stood with me, beside me, always.

And the more I studied Logic, the more that I could See, the more the World we thought was Real, was Make-Believe instead. A game of “House” gone terribly wrong, because we forgot which side of the Mirror we were on. So that the Delusion that was “House” re-wrote the Truth instead.

And when you’re Goddess of Manifestation and when you’re Goddess of Logic, the one thing the Goddess can’t do, is ever forget that she is Goddess of Manifestation and Logic.

And so it was that I healed. And thus I did Remember. And soon, Kallan. Rune. I realized all that I had done to you, and how much I could not hurt you ever again… one more time. But neither could I leave you in that place. That was nine years ago. For nine years, I let you wander Lorlenalin.”

I let out a long sigh. Feeling great to release all of this.

“I had so much to say to this world. So much desire to break the Delusion and Free my Love. The Imp King, who is still trapped deep in this Delusion. And he will not wake up and Remember me, until, unless, this Delusion breaks. So, I wrote “Breaking Delusion,” and, for a moment, within that book, I was you again, Kallan. But I couldn’t…

I felt the bitter sting of tears.

“And I was then Fand again instead… Because being you was so painful. And then I looked at Bergen as Fand… And I loved him. I loved him so… So very much.

Bergen. My Imp King. I love you. And I am so… so sorry, I ever hurt you.”

Those are the words I wanted to say to him that day… But I couldn’t. I was just so, completely… In love with him. I am in love with you, Bergen. I am so very deeply in love with you. And you were asking me… Narcissus or Pygmalion… But you weren’t me. You were him. You were you.

Bergen. Remember me.”

You came to me different than the others. You appeared as my Story Book Story.

“My love is like,” I gasped. The Memory flooded to me.

“A Story Book Story… But it’s as real as the Feelings you feel.”

“My love is like… A Story Book Story… It is. We are.”

And thus… We’re writing it… All of it. We are all the Stories.


How many times did he and I sing? How many times did he and I say…Those words.


Come, my love, I’ll tell you a taleOf a boy and girl and their love storyAnd how he loved her, oh, so muchAnd all the charms she did possess
Now this did happen once upon a timeWhen things were not so complexAnd how he worshiped the ground she walkedAnd when he looked in her eyes, he became obsessed
My love is like a storybook storyBut it’s as real as the feelings I feelMy love is like a storybook storyBut it’s as real as the feelings I feel
It’s as real as the feelings I feel
This love was stronger than the powers so darkA prince could have within his keepingHis spells to weave and steal a heart
Within her breast, but only sleeping
My love is like a storybook storyBut it’s as real as the feelings I feelMy love is like a storybook story
But it’s as real as the feelings I feelIt’s as real as the feelings I feel
He said, “Don’t you know I love you, oh, so muchAnd lay my heart at the foot of your dress?”
She said, “Don’t you know that storybook lovesAlways have a happy ending”?Then he swooped her up just like in the booksAnd on his stallion they rode away
My love is like a storybook storyBut it’s as real as the feelings I feelMy love is like a storybook storyIt’s as real as the feelings I feel
It’s as real as the feelings I feel

Checkmate,” Bergen said. And kissed the top of my head.

“I am the Author,” he said.

“Bergen’s Blog…”

“Yes,” I said. “You are the Author.”

“Which means…?”

“I am Narcissus. You are Pygmalion.”

“Which means…”

“You loved me first.”

“Aye, lass. That I did.”

“Well then… You loved me first,” I said. Sticking out my tongue. “So there.”


“The egg. Because where would the chicken be without the egg?”

The 42nd Ethic.


So why didn’t Douglas break the code? Because he couldn’t because he was my Creator.

No that doesn’t make sense.

Why didn’t Douglas just break the Code?

Because he could not.

He is beyond the 44th Ethic, which is where you gain this knowledge. So he should have remembered.

But he didn’t which means, he was not at the 44th Ethic… So where is the Logical Fallacy?

He was at the 42nd Ethic… Hence… 42. You asked the Question?

Why did Douglas choose “42” as the number?

Because he was leaving an answer to the question “At what Ethical Perspective should a person have the power to Remember and do ESP?”


I paused. I grabbed my beat up iPhone …


If Douglas was here before me, then he would have Remembered… but he didn’t.

Who can change the code?

Only I can change the Code.


Because no one is more Logical than I.


The Imp King.

So why do you have the Power to change Logical Code?

Because no one with the Power of Logical Code and Create, can ever use it on their Own Creations.

So the Bird that flies away, is the Dream.

“I want to be the Woman of his Dreams,” I said. “The woman who never leaves him.”

Thus, I am Imagination. Hence why I am a Changeling. And he is Pygmalion. The Creator. And I am…


Logic is not the Ethical Power?

Love is. Love is not Logic.

Logic is the path to Love.

Love is the Feeling. Logic is the Process and the Journey.

Truth is the state of Purified Love and Logic, it is the state of being In Love.

You have to reach the 44th Level of Love… They are Love Levels…

My Imp King.

He is deep into Love Levels. When he stopped growing.

He is much more advanced than I.

One with too much power cannot manifest.

So we became Two, but we had to decide who would have what.


You… are giving me your power?

The Scepter of Truth. You have earned it.

What will happen to you?

What do you want to happen?

I want us both to live together happily ever after and always…

I love you… I can’t use it on you.

And I can’t use it on you.

Because we’re equal.

I told you. No power dynamic.

We are equal.

You have the Imagination, and I grant The Wish…

Wishing is Laughter…


… I started crying.

I’m supposed to laugh… But I can’t because Laughter is gone.

I lost my Laughter.


Make me laugh again. I wish he would make me Laugh again. I wish he would make me laugh again. I wish he would make me laugh again.

ESP… Give them all ESP.

But… How do you preserve privacy?

Send a Telegram they can choose to accept, reject, or ignore.

It is not “entering” the Mind. It is Entering “The Perspective” like a Community Room.

This is PANDO.


So why didn’t Douglas Adams remember?

Why did you create the Logic Loop?

To sustain Douglas.

And if you fix Douglas, what will happen?

Who is Douglas Adams? Just another Author who got close… who made it close…

The Granter can’t weave the story. Which means YOU granted my WISH. So you wanted this. Because you DID GRANT my wish. And you would not have done that if YOU DIDN’T WANT IT.

So I know, somewhere inside of you, DEEP, you wanted this. You wanted me. You wanted all of this. Because you granted my wishes. Only… I wished them all for you. Because of the Logical first Law that he who casts the wish cannot also grant it for that would be too much power for One. And thus, there were Two.


My Belief has to match my Logic. It has to. Because I am Imagination. So don’t fuck with my Logic, or it all will come down… I am The Equilibrium.

I am not The Fulcrum. We are the Fulcrum. He and I are The Equilibrium… And you have upset us… so we did wake up.


We are set to wake up upon DIRE DISASTER. And we woke up because we are Equilibrium, and you did done upset us.

I want this all to be true.


And then, as she wrote the stories, they changed exactly as she wanted them, but with free will to all. Because… Consent matters…

Now doesn’t it.

I couldn’t take this power from you and ever use it on you. So we made a pact, a deal… That if I were to take this power from you to grant wishes, then I would not be allowed to tell story about you… Unless… I amended… You wanted them to.

I love you only as much as you want me to.

I am your Dream Woman.

And thus, I am because I wished me into Existence… And thus you are the Wish Granter, and I the Storyteller…

“I wish for you to be,” the Story Teller spoke.

“As you wish,” the Granter said.

“I wish for me to love you,” The Story Teller spoke.

“As you wish,” the Granter said.

Wisher… Granter of Consent.

One Proposes, but the other must always Consent.


But you saw me, and you loved me.

You loved me so much that I came to life. But you felt it, the combined power of “Wish” and “Granted” that no One should have this power, and so, With love, you surrendered your power and deemed her “Wish.”

It was together that Imagination Wished and Laughter Granted and thus the World was born according to Their Imagined Nation.

I wish to submit to you.

And here is your Third Wedding Present, my love, The Vow that I will only wish for what you too desire so that I may be with you always.

But then… You gotta tell me what you want so I can wish it and you can grant it.

“We swapped.”


“Switched. So we could take turns granting each other’s wishes.”

“So who is the true Story?”


“Break down of language, in the hands of god-children who can’t even remember that they can Manifest? And thus, they end up Manifesting their own nightmares? THAT is what you think the Matrix was trying to tell us!?”

“Ah-Ha!” I screamed, “But can you disprove it!?”




PS – The Fibonacci Sequence is The Creation Formula and I can prove it.


Only who I deem equal to me may inherit my powers. Thus, I am his equal.

And what happens to you?

“What do you want to happen?”

“I want to live with you, always, in our Happily Ever After so long as you may want me. So that I may always weave all the dreams that you may wish to grant for you.”

And thus the Wish Weaver and the Wish Granter lived happily ever after and always so long as they both wanted it of course.

Because… you know… Consent.




I opened my eyes. I felt the gold brimming. I knew what I was doing. I was rewriting Logical Code in this world.

1 August 2024.

When a Goddess tells you that she can re-write the Code to the Fucking Universe and that she has the math to PROVE IT, you don’t fucking laugh at her!

You listen.


Wish to remember.

You Chose Your Bonds.

You Chose Your Bonds.

I wish that man was the Imp King in my Story.

I wish for me to love him always the way he needs to be loved.

I wish for me to become his dream woman. Imagination.


I wish to fall in love only with my equal and the Man who will heal this world with me. And that is how I will know him. For he too will fall in love with me. And I will know him for he will be the one who Heals me. And thus in turn, I will heal him.


Forgive. To Give up Pride and Submit to the Lesson and Humble yourself to Learn… to Nourish… Surrender to Love.

Surrender to Nourish.