Going Back In Time

Chicago Cubs are in the playoffs!

What does this mean? *scoffs* Everything!

The year is 2015! I’m talking about Back To The Future II here! Take a look at the flux capacitor!


Back to the Future


I kick started this year with references to Back To The Future II and I plan to end it referencing Back To The Future II.

Back To The Future II not only takes place in the year 2015. It took place on this day. 21 October 2015. A plethora of predictions followed.

Let’s review them, shall we! According to Robert Zemeckis, in 2015…

The Chicago Cubs will win the Superbowl


We are all supposed to dress like this!


Dress Like This!

I am REALLY tempted to dress like this for Halloween this year!

These are the cars we are supposed to be driving now.


Today’s Mercedes Benz…



The hover board!! (Oh, come on! This was the thing we all looked forward to the most!)

This is what Marty used…



This in from 2014…


There is also the hover-bike and we have the hover car! I believe they have a prototype in, but there was argument about “rights” to air ways. The argument back was that, like maritime law, “aero-law” also applies. “You can’t own the skies, above a certain elevation” was the argument. (All this sited from Popular Science)

Re-hydrated Food?

Pizza hut

Okay…  so I saw nothing on rehydrated food, BUT in 2015, we have this!


Welcome to “Soylent” named in ode to the movie Soylent Green with Charlton Heston

Tangent Alert

I’m going to step aside for a moment and review Soylent. One of my friends has switched over to this food substitute. He drinks it for lunch and dinners on every day that he works. I asked him one day in a very formal discussion, “Do you find Soylent poop is any different than food poop? How has Soylent affected your bowels?”

I am pleased to announce that my friend rebutted with the same serious—and formal—tone.

“I find that Soylent poop is very similar to food poop, though, at times, Soylent poop results in slightly softer stools.”

“And how has the color changed?”

“The color, on occasion, has developed into a slightly lighter shade.”

“Overall, how do you find the transition of Soylent poop to food poop when you return to a normal diet on the weekends?”

“I find that there are no notable changes.”

“How is the flavor?”

“I began the Soylent diet when they release Soylent Formula #1. Said formula was grainy, bland, and unappetizing. There was much improvement with Formula #2 both in flavor and texture, while Formula #3 was simply ghastly. Formula #4—the Soylent Formula I am currently taking—is substantial, but I do pine for the flavor of Formula #2. I often ponder if Formula #4 tastes as good as it does due to the revulsion of Formula #3.”

“What can you report on weight gain?”

“My weight has not changed, which I find most pleasing.”

“How long have you been drinking Soylent?”

“I have been on the Soylent diet for six months.”

So there you have it, the newest in 2015 food. Not re-hydrated, but reduced to a tasty, almost shake-like powder. Just add water.

Nike! I give you Marty’s Nike…


And the real Nike! Ours lights up!

Nike reality


I hate to say it, but there isn’t a 19 editions of Jaws. Though I was wondering with the “Rocky” franchise. There are still only 3 movies, 4 editions of Jaws. (Wikipedia) 1.1 Jaws (1975) 1.2 Jaws 2 (1978) 1.3 Jaws 3-D (1983) 1.4 Jaws: The Revenge (1987)


And I don’t know about you, but my kids are not wearing their clothes inside out.

Honestly, I believe Back to the Future II did more than just entertain us in 1989. It set the standard. It declared the goals for technology, and several companies—Niki being one of them—took it as a personal challenge to rise up and meet that challenge.


Click here for additional comparisons from Marty’s 2015 to ours.



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About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.