Chapter 14

The power surges through me as I take one more step. I’m standing in Physics now.

I can feel it surge through me. Like a Conduit…

The Energy is coursing through me.


Purpose. We have it all wrong. I can see the Physics and the Math in everything. We’re supposed to be moving the Physics. We’re supposed to be helping the Physics move through us, using the Physics to achieve our Goals. Using Math to Secure the Physics into place to achieve our Goals.

I can See… All of it.

I fall to the ground, crying.

The Power is unimaginable.


How do I…?

I’m shifting again. The Power is Surging.

Not Shifting. I’m solid. I’m centered.


Perspective Expansion. Every day now. My Power is Growing.

I feel like there is a 9-Tailed Beast inside of me… and It’s growing. I’m releasing it.


Purpose is in Threes.

Purpose in Love.

Purpose in Dream.

Purpose in Self.

Love. Dream. Self.


For me, that is my Imp King. My Growth and Potential. My Mission to Nourish and Heal this world.

And Purpose is the Fuel.


I look to the Math.

I can see the Order of Operations.

The Mathematical Sequence that we are all supposed to be following in the right Order to fuel our Power, Start up the Machine…

Start up the Machine…

Start up the Machine…

Start up the Machine…

Start up the Machine…

That is what I am supposed to be doing.

Using my Power to start up the Machine.


And I know how.


I feel like this Power in me will rip my body open. I have to steer it, direct it…


I know what I must do.