Chapter 13

I look across the planes.

I can see the Threads of Energy shift and move.

I think back to the moment when first I met and loved my Love. My Imp King. How much he was… The Love of My Life.

“What do you want, Anna?” The Universe calls to me.

“I want my Love to heal and become the man I saw in those cherished months.”

I felt the Energy then shift. I felt love draw from my heart and feed and fuel the Energy within the World.

I knew my Power. I knew my Words. I knew what I could do.

“I want my Love to Heal,” I said. “And become the Man I saw in those cherished months.”

Again, Love moved through me, and moved the Energy through the Earth. Before my eyes, I saw things change.

I looked to the Man sleeping behind me.

“You were so exceptional,” I said. “You did it once. You can be that again. You just need… Fuel.”

I looked down at the Earth.

Love Moves Energy.

And I can see every Energy thread in all of the World…

“I want that Man with this Woman,” I said. “I wish our Bests of Selves would match. Because we were AMAZING when we were part-way there. We will be EXTRAORDINARY when we are both at our best.”

Again, the Energy moved, like boiling water at work. My words and Love, the Fire.

“I want my Love to Heal,” I said. “And become the Man I saw in those cherished months.”

The Energy shifted and I saw the Chain of Events enfold before my Eyes. I could see my Actions heal this world, and revive his heart. I could see him shift.

I could see the cold hate of this world eating away from him inside.

He could feel all the hate in all this world.

I would Nourish him with Love.

“We did so much to Nourish each other,” I said. “No matter what. We Nourished each other. Even at our worst. We loved each other that much.”

I stood my ground, and said again, “I want my Love to Heal,” I said. “And become the Man I saw in those cherished months.”

And I saw the Future play out. I felt it change in me.

He is my Purpose. Love for that Man is my Purpose. That is why I do what I do. For him.

To Reciprocate all that he did for me.

“I am your Anna,” I said, repeating his words back to him from once ago.

“I want my Love to Heal,” I said. “And become the Man I saw in those cherished months.”

He is my Purpose.

It’s time I’m honest with myself about Why I do what I do.

I do what I do because I love that man that much to heal him by healing this world.