Anna’s Writing Hub

Welcome to my Anna’s Writing Corner! This is the Heart of my Daily Writing, where you can find all of my current Projects! I publish every day/week on Kindle Vella.


All of my books begin on Kindle Vella before they grow on to Print-On-Demand books available on Amazon. They stay on Kindle Vella until they are ready for publication. “Ongoing” Publications are those without any plans to end unless otherwise stated. Completed Books include a length and a publishing date.


In 2024, I made the decision to no longer Publish under “Angela B. Chrysler,” but also that I will preserve my Origin. For this reason, all publications, going forward, will be under “Anna S. Imagination.”


Currently, you can view these publications on Kindle Vella:


Publishing Schedule


The Daily Mouthful

  • Publishing Schedule : Sporadic based on News
  • Length : Ongoing Serial Episodes
  • Genre : Non-Fiction Newsletter & Articles for the Radical Global Healing Plan

Description: Deep topics for Deep People. I avoid Politics and any talk on The Dramas of Red vs. Blue because we’re all really sick of that Toddler Room. Instead, I talk on the Self, The Brain, The Mind, and Physics. My Newsletter covers Articles and The Daily Digest of The Abstract. An Article posted Daily that dives deep into Philosophy, Metaphysics, and Ontology. Pythagorean Psychology and the Integration of all the -Ologies are explored here as I dissect the deepest of subjects within the Human Psyche and how Physics and Logic compose the Subconscious Mind. Enhance this Read-A-Long Course with Anna’s Club House : Philosophical Coffee (podcast) on YouTube and my Free Online Courses at The Healing Garden!



Wisdom With A “W” : The Science of Easy Living

  • Publishing Schedule : Sporadic
  • Length : Ongoing Serial Episodes
  • Genre : Education, Easy Living, Philosophy For Easy Living

Description: Life is not hard. Living out of Sequence is hard. But Living with the Knowledge of Sequence makes everything easy and smooth. Your life is a Train, and you need a Track. Most likely, you have not been living with any knowledge of the Track. You need to build the Track. This is Sequence Building, Chain Reaction Science, which most know as “Story” or “Logic.” In Wisdom with a “W” : The Science of Easy Living, we break down the entire process in laying down the Track for your Life Train. Enhance this Read-A-Long Course with The Ethical Asshole Podcast on YouTube and my Free Online Courses at The Healing Garden!


Triadic Healing Book Series


Breaking Delusion Triadic Healing Book #2 (Sequel to Broken)

  • Publishing Schedule : Completed
  • Length : Currently Writing (This will be a completed book)
  • Genre : Memoir All-Genre

Description: The Sequel to Broken, it has been 9 years since William interviewed Anna (Elizabeth) and descended into the Bowels of her Subconscious Mind. Now, with the help of her Alters, Anna takes on her Self and the Subconscious Mind as they rip apart the Mind to escape it. This is the Journey I went through with my Alters that resolved my Multiple Personality Disorder and allowed me the Freedom of my Mental Prison as I mastered the Mind to escape. Enhance this Read-A-Long Course with my Free Online Courses at The Healing Garden!



The Theory of Love (Triadic Healing Book #3)

  • Schedule : Completed
  • Length : Currently Writing (This will be a completed book)
  • Genre : Pythagorean Psychology, Logic, Math, Physics

Description : The Science Journals don’t yet exist for Vitalogy; The Science that waits beyond Biology. Where Linguistics, Logic, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, all integrate into Ontological Physics, Power Economics, Pythagorean Psychology, Integrated Mathematics, and Human Circuitry. The Science of Integration (Fusion) and Disintegration (Fission) expands into the Relativity of Origin +> Independent +> Dependent all of which are revealed when integrated with the Science of The Psychology of Learning. Enhance this Read-A-Long Course with my Free Online Courses at The Healing Garden!


The Salmon of Knowledge The Logic of Learning (Triadic Healing Book #4)

  • Schedule : Completed
  • Length : 29 Chapters
  • Genre : For the Parent/Teacher to Learn how Children and People Learn

Description : Book #4 in the Triadic Healing Series, The Salmon of Knowledge picks up where The Theory of Love leaves off. Focusing now on Teachers, Parents, and anyone in need of Self-Parenting. The Salmon of Knowledge is the Cultivator’s Walkthrough on how to Apply The Science of Vitalogy to Real Life. It is “Simple Science For Practical Purpose.” Educators can enhance their Classrooms. Parents can prepare their Children the right way. Trauma Survivors can Restore their Learning Journey. Enhance this Read-A-Long Course with my Free Online Courses at The Healing Garden!



More From Triadic Healing

  • Schedule : Ongoing
  • Length : Currently Writing (This will be a completed book)
  • Genre : Nonfiction Self-Help, Narcissist, Empath, Mental Health

Description : For those who desire to join The Healing Garden or nourish the Standard that we define, this Handbook covers the Overall Standard that Defines our Ethics, Practices, and Beliefs. Here, we train our Staff how to Pass on Knowledge and Information without involving themselves in the Process. This is a Mandatory read for anyone who joins our Team and is set on the 12 Principles of The Healing Garden : The Parenting and Adulting School for Life Learners.



The Two Mirrors of Narcissism (From the Triadic Healing Series)

  • Schedule : Published Almost Daily
  • Length : Currently Writing (This will be a completed book)
  • Genre : Nonfiction Self-Help, Narcissist, Empath, Mental Health

Description : 16 December 2023, I reached an epiphany that made me realize my Borderline Personality and Empath Skills was just Narcissism. That was the day I found and exited “The Mirror.” I set to work immediately on “The Narcissist Cure.” Over the next 4 months, using Pythagorean Psychology and Integrated Mathematics, I mapped out the Two Mirrors of Narcissism. In April 2024, a second epiphany revealed how Narcissism is passed and spread through Language. Here, it all is revealed. Enhance this Read-A-Long Course with my Free Online Courses at The Healing Garden!



Brain to Books to Booked (From the Triadic Healing Series)

  • Schedule : Published Weekly
  • Length : Ongoing Serial Episodes
  • Genre : Nonfiction Business, Author, Entrepreneur

Description : A Full Walkthrough on Dream to Book to Business Owner. In 2015, I launched Brain To Books, a Heart-Centered Business that pulled Authors and Readers from the Art world into the Business World slowly, gently, and with ease. We built The Brain To Books Cyber Convention and from there, we became a family. In 2019, I went on hiatus. Now I am back to charon you from Artist to Business owner safely. We teach you how to Break Into Business and to spot all the Sales and Scammers who prey on others so you can launch your career with confidence. Enhance this Read-A-Long Course with my Free Online Courses at The Healing Garden!



Addiction : Cracked And Unloaded (From The Triadic Healing Series)

  • Publishing Schedule : Current Work In Progress
  • Length : Currently Writing (This will be a completed book)
  • Genre : Self-Help, Addiction, Non-Fiction

Description: This is a personal vendetta for me. Nothing has caused me greater suffering than watching someone I love disintegrate from Addiction and Invisible Trauma. I could not do the work I do and not take a personal interest in working out Addiction. Reverse Engineering Addiction took me to the depths of Addiction, beyond the Visible Addictions, and further to the First Addiction, at the heart of what traps Millions of People every year. May you find your Freedom and your Peace in what you learn here. Enhance this Read-A-Long Course with my Free Online Courses at The Healing Garden!



All-Genre Abstract Non-Fiction Adventure

These Books are currently on *pause* 


The Adventures of Anna Abstract (The Ashavana Chronicles Series) Origin

  • Publishing Schedule : Published Weekly
  • Length : Ongoing Serial Episodes
  • Genre : Adventure All-Genre

Description: An Author usually permits the reader a fraction of their mind when they write. But the Mind of The Author is much more vast than a single Story. Despite what the Marketers may say, this is not Fiction. This is just the unseen parts of the Author’s Mind that the Reader never gets to see. And so it was that Anna Imagination stepped into the Abstract, which the “Materials” call “Fiction”… But Anna knew that this was Bull Shit. It was time to introduce the World to Non-Fiction All-Genre.


Usually an Author releases Book #1, then #2, then #3… The Ashavana Chronicles are three books that all happen at the same time. They reference each other, interact with each other, and unfold, each within their own storyline that runs parallel to each other. They are meant to be read them simultaneously.


For You, To You, With You (The Ashavana Chronicles Series) Secondary

  • Publishing Schedule : Published Weekly
  • Length : Ongoing Serial Episodes
  • Genre : Love Story All-Genre

Description: Mara was no Narcissist, Co-Dependent, Damsel. She was anything but helpless. She was a sharp, Bull Shit-Intolerant, tell it like it is, Genius. And an heiress to boot… and that was her problem. She was too strong, and either intimidated men or attracted the ones who were determined to break her. Men only wanted women who swooned for muscle, machismo, and money. Mara. Didn’t. Swoon. What she did do, she did quietly and secretly behind closed doors. Or, she did… until HE happened.


Usually an Author releases Book #1, then #2, then #3… The Ashavana Chronicles are three books that all happen at the same time. They reference each other, interact with each other, and unfold, each within their own storyline that runs parallel to each other. They are meant to be read them simultaneously.


The Secrets of Under Earth (The Ashavana Chronicles Series) Tertiary

  • Publishing Schedule : Published Weekly
  • Length : Ongoing Serial Episodes
  • Genre : All-Genre, Historical Fiction, Ontology

Description: “Think back to the oldest era your mind can fathom, back beyond everything we can remember, when gods were still men who had not yet lived the deeds that would deify them.” This is that time. Deep below the Earth, far beyond the World of Men the Fae move. They breathe, giving Life to the Seidr. In secret, Kallan and Gudrun collect the wisdom gathered from the golden deserts beyond the White Sea. But Danu is watching, and what they find is more powerful than anything she had ever imagined.


Usually an Author releases Book #1, then #2, then #3… The Ashavana Chronicles are three books that all happen at the same time. They reference each other, interact with each other, and unfold, each within their own storyline that runs parallel to each other. They are meant to be read them simultaneously.


Backstage Imbroglio (The Ashavana Chronicles Series)

  • Publishing Schedule : Sporadic. No Schedule.
  • Length : Ongoing
  • Genre : All-Genre, Historical Fiction, Ontology

Description: The Abstract. It’s big. So Big. With Anna wandering around with Bergen, Mara cooking up Archeology with The Imp King, and Kallan and Gudrun Reverse Engineering Spellcraft, a not-so-little part of my brain thought, “Why NOT throw them all together backstage after Breaking Delusion like one big, happy family? What could possibly go wrong?” Uh… everything…? Join this group of Misfits backstage of the Abstract as they talk about their Stories, Politics, and whatever weird shit comes to mind.



Restorative Nourishment


The Nerve-Racking Anxiety of Calm

  • Schedule : Sporadic
  • Length : Ongoing
  • Genre : Nonfiction Self-Help, Empath, Mental Health

Description : No one ever talks about After-Healing. No one ever really talks about what the other side of healing is like. While the Healing Journey for me is long-since over, the discoveries and wonder of my new life never stop coming. Things that healthy people take for granted, I’m experiencing for the first time. I wouldn’t call this “Healing.” What this is, is the Stage of Discovery as a 44+ year old woman discovers, for the first time ever, what Healthy people take for granted.



Meditations, Mindsets, And Manifestations For The Wisdom Soul

  • Publishing Schedule : Coming Soon
  • Length : Ongoing
  • Genre : Non-Fiction, Wellness, Physics, Logic, Linguistics,

Description: There is very little that gives me more joy than writing. But also, I love leading Meditations. But Meditations on YouTube, Audio… Just… Isn’t my style. I am a Writer. And nothing is more Meditative for me than writing and reading a Meditation. And this… this has never been done before. So this is my Meditations, Inspirations, and Manifestations backed by Logic, Linguistics, Physics, and Ontology, integrated with the Written Word, Prose, and the Beauty of Written Rhythm and Poetry.

Love Story and Romance


Love Letters To An Imp King

  • Publishing Schedule : Sporadic. No Schedule.
  • Length : Ongoing Love Journals
  • Genre : Love Story

Description: Once upon a time, we fall in love. And we love with a love that heals us… But sometimes that healing, it hurts the ones we love the most… And they too are inspired to heal. And sometimes, they love us so much that they leave us to protect us… And only the ones connected with True Love cannot be broken. And sometimes, we love so deep and true, that no matter what, we cannot ever let go. And in that time apart, we still stay connected. We still write. These letters are what we write.



The Imp King and The Goddess Queen

  • Schedule : Sporadic. No Schedule.
  • Length : Ongoing
  • Genre : Love Story, Metaphysics & Ontology

Description : Upon the Completion of Philosophy, The Philosopher always: 1 – Builds their own Society and 2 – Builds their own University. Machievella had The Prince. Ayn Rand had Atlas shrugged. Nietzche had Thus Spoke Zarathustra. At the end of The Asha Journey, upon the Completion of 12+ Academic Disciplines, The Ashavana is to weave all of History, Past and Future, using Logical Reasoning. The Akashic Records are the Final Exam of one Ashavana’s Journey to Rta. This one is mine.



Imagination : The Sentient Story

  • Schedule : Completed
  • Length : 7 Episodes in Length
  • Genre : Love Story, Metaphysics & Ontology

Description : Imagination : The Sentient Story is part of the upcoming Kindle Vella “The Imp King and The Goddess Queen” and is to be read between Chapter 20 and 21 of “The Imp King and The Goddess Queen” releasing 4 October 2024.


If you want to read my Stories in Chronological Order, here is the list as they should be read in order:


Dolor and Shadow : The Tales of the Drui Book #1 (Completed and on Amazon)

Fire and Lies : The Tales of the Drui Book #2 (Completed and on Amazon)

Broken (Upon completing Fire and Lies, Kallan’s mind was breaking…) (Completed and on Amazon)

Zombies From Space and Vampires (Anna takes one last venture into the Abstract) (Completed and on Amazon)


2015 – 2024

Exploratory Dialogues (Kallan exits the Abstract and assumes the role of Anna)


2023 – 2024

Breaking Delusion (Joanna returns to the Abstract where Anna breaks the Delusion and frees herself)

The Theory of Love (The Science behind Anna’s work allows her to understand what she walked into)

The Salmon of Knowledge (Anna translates her work for Parents, Teachers, and Adults who seek Healing)



The Imp King and The Goddess Queen (Join The Goddess Queen in the Opal Palace)

Imagination : The Sentient Story (Follow The Goddess Queen back to the Beginning of Time where she first met her Imp King)


Present Day (Ongoing)

The Adventures of Anna Abstract (Anna and Bergen are back in the Abstract as Anna seeks her Muse.)

For You, To You, With You (Follow Mara and Eoin in this Science Fiction Dimension Adventure)

The Secrets of Under Earth (Join Kallan and Gudrun in the Druí’s Library as they rebuild the Science that Mara seeks)

Love Letters To An Imp King (Join The Goddess Queen in her Pirate Ship as she sends out her Messages in a Bottle)