
I have a number of artists and individuals who have done more than their share to help me out whether it’s with the site, with Brain to Books, my writing, or simply with support. To those persons, I wish to say thank you.

Midgard Map

By Isaac Gooshaw

To my husband, Isaac. His on going support, tolerance and endurance of living with a writer, and allowing me to use his brain as a white board. I’ve bounced so many ideas off of him to help shape Kallan and Bergen. Also, for being my specialist in chemistry, physics, metallurgy, combat, and law. He has brought so much reality to my stories. And the maps he hand draws for me long after his joints lock up.

To my children, for the endless patience while I absorb the worlds I write even long after dinner hours.

To my brother, Adm, my unofficial “tech guy”who has done so much to tweak the site and add all the really cool stuff that I wouldn’t think to add. He has done so much to help my site run smoothly.

To my sister, Alicia. She is one of the two people who represents you, my readers. She is the first to read my books. The first to provide me with reader feedback. The first to swoon over Bergen. The first to ask for book two.

To my brother, Aaron, who has done so much to financially fund my career to get it off the ground.

HMS SlushBrainTo Stanislava D. Kohut. For her support, insight, and friendship. She is the second person to provide me with reader feedback. The second person to swoon over Bergen. The second person to ask for book two…and the first reader to demand the audio book 🙂

CL Schneider and everyone on board the HMS Slush Brain. For your humor, cyber booze, and general good advice, support, and friendship.

Mia Darien my beautiful editor. Without her…I just need her.

B.R. Kingsolver my dear friend, unofficial adviser, and literary supporter. BR has done so much for me to find my editor, advise, and tell me all the stuff I need to hear, even when I don’t like it.

Indigo Forest Designs my cover artist for the constant supply of gorgeous covers!


Александър Томов a.k.a. Alexsandar Tomov, Jr. for the amazing book trailers that breathe life into my stories!




About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.