Lorlenalin’s Lies: Deleted Scene

Here is a piece I altered so drastically I’m considering it “deleted.” I’ve simply chosen to put this through Rune’s POV instead of Kallan’s.


Kallan pulled her overcoat tighter. The snows that had started three days ago still fell thick and heavy along the East Road making the journey back to Lorlenalin slow at best. Standing in a foot of white, Kallan peered into the forest where Rune had darted in moments ago. If she had her way, they would have galloped the rest of the way without stopping, but the sudden flash of fire alongside the road, and Rune’s Shadow rising up was enough to stop.

Kallan hoisted herself into the saddle as Zabbai munched the apple. Their caravan had left them since Kallan insisted Daggon and the remaining guard go on ahead leaving her and Rune alone more than an hour’s ride from the White Opal. Had it not been for the flicker of fire and Rune’s Beast, Daggon and the remaining guard would still accompany them. But it did and they did and she was alone.

“Rune!” Kallan called. Seconds later his feet crunched the snow.

“I’m here,” he called back.

“What was it?” she asked as Rune pulled himself onto the fjord horse beside Zabbai.

“Never seen anything like it.” He shook his head and took up the reins.” It ran off before I could get a close enough look, but from what I could see it looked like a fox had caught on fire.”

They gave a gentle nudge of their heels, urging the horses on once more when Kallan continued to stretch her neck, eager to receive the city. Any moment, Lorlenalin’s peeks would appear on the horizon, any moment, through the white winter. But the snowfall was heavy and the cloud coverage thick.

About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.