Part #2

So this is the part of the book where I, the Author, am going to have my say because I saw what they did to Broken, and it fucking pissed me off.

Some dumb fuck thinks that “If it isn’t in the Material Plane then it isn’t real.” So for the small minds in Marketing who didn’t bother studying Ontology, this is to say that ALL of Broken, and Breaking Delusion, and This one, and the next are 100% REAL.

This is just as things enfolded within the Abstract. And yes, they are 100% exactly as things took place in real time. Really, it’s my Journal.

But small minds who can’t see past the Material Plane, are too ignorant to know that and may have put this book “In the Fiction” section, which is a down right insult.

There is the “Real” of Materialization and the “Real” of the Mind and the “Real” of Conception, and I don’t need some dumb fuck 4th Perspective deciding what is “Real” or “Not Real” inside my head, especially since they aren’t even IN my head…


I’ve been in The Cave for five days. The Cave fucking sucks. It’s where you go to have your Logical Chess Matches with The Self and, PANDO.

Yes. We are playing a Chess Game. Yes. I am waiting for the Imp King to decide if he does or does not love me and thus, if I will or will not save this stupid, shitty fuck of a planet that never loved me. Yes. I am The Fulcrum. And so is he.

Mummy and Daddy have to work this out so we can Integrate into The One… Because he and I are, The One.

Cell Mitosis. That’s Logic.

So here is me spelling it out for you because Christ already told you this, but god forbid you listen to him either.

Logic is the Answer.

If you get stuck, that is the first clue that you did not study enough Logic.

If you are not happy, study Logic.

If you are struggling, study Logic.

If you are miserable, study Logic.

Christ said, “Man cannot live on bread alone.”

Dip shits. That means Food is only your Physical Nourishment.

Logic is the Other. If you seek out a Teacher, you have failed to learn the lesson.

You don’t need a Teacher. You just need Logic, which is Food Nourishment for the Mind.

Logic is Love.

And when you study enough Logic, you know that Logic is Love. God is Love. God is pure Logic.

My Imp King and I are Pure Logic as SOON as he rids himself of the Logical Fallacy inside his brain…

If he lets me.

If not, fuck you all.


Do I wish I was better? Do I wish I had grace at this point of my life? Do I wish someone could have loved me just once at my worst?

Sure, you all love me at my best, when I’m Sunshine Imagination Adventures, but the question is who the fuck loved me at my worst?

Well, the Imp King has decided. He sure as fuck didn’t. Yeah, I’m bitter. A life without Love will do that to a person.


So long and thanks for all the fish.