2016 Book Blast J. Lynn Else


Brain to Books2016 Summer Book Blast(1)

Brain to Books Presents J. Lynn Else

  • Genre: Historical Fiction/Ancient Egypt
  • Title: The Forgotten: Aten’s Last Queen


Discover the adventure of one woman’s lifetime…

The Forgotten Aten's Last QueenIn an ancient world where there was more religious change and political unrest than any other time in Egyptian history, Ankhesenamun became a queen at age 12 over the most powerful nation of the ancient world. Her father toppled the religious foundations of the country, and now she and her new husband, 9-year-old King Tut, are expected to rebuild the shattered nation. Can a lone woman stand against the tides of time which have already consumed the rest of her family? Will she find a way to overcome the most terrible of all fates — having her name erased from the walls of history? May the gods have mercy that she does not become one of the forgotten…

About the Author

J. LynnAround 4th grade, J. Lynn began writing stories. She also developed an interest in history around that time when she was gifted the book “The Discovery of the Titanic: Exploring the Greatest of All Lost Ships” (which she still owns). Her creative writing also developed in part through having multiple pen pals in her school days (in the “time before email” times!).
After going to an exhibit at the Minnesota Science Museum entitled “King Tut and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs,” J. Lynn discovered that while much is known about King Tut, very little is left to us about his wife. With a genuine desire to give voice to this former queen of Egypt, the book “The Forgotten: Aten’s Last Queen” was born. J. Lynn hopes to continue to create more stories focusing on historical women who rose above what society told them they could achieve; women who carved out new trails and touched their dreams despite the odds.
Outside of reading voraciously and driving kids to multiple after-school activities, J. Lynn enjoys a perfectly-steeped cup of hot tea while honing her Fruit Ninja skills and editing The Forgotten, Book 2: “Heir of the Heretic.” You can learn more J. Lynn Else, her writing, her tea, and her nerdiness at: www.teasippinnerdymom.com or on Twitter: @AtensLastQueen.


Contact J. Lynn Else


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About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.