Brain to Books: The Author’s Marketing Manual: Excerpt

Surprise! This is one of three books I plan to release in 2016! It is the first Brain to Books books of the Book Building Series! Have a look at the excerpt!


The Business Side of Art


I bleed through my words for the want of my purple prose and my art. My pen flies and I enter the zone. Deeper I sink to the depths of my core where the need to express emerges. I scribble the final word and rejoice in the glory of each vibrant word that gleams from my page. There are no doubts. Everyone will want this. Art lovers will line up, hungrily bidding for the next masterpiece. My masterpiece. I google and search and ogle the agents, but my pen is checked at the door.

“What is this!?” I bellow. “Are you mad! You dare call art…a BUSINESS! What debauchery…what madness has crept into your veins overnight! How long was I cooped up in my studio apartment!?”

It’s true. Nothing sends an artist running faster than the concept of business. A cog in the wheel of the Man. I detested that Man as much as the next artist. Once, I named him Mitchell.

“Mitchell!” I cried to that ‘they’. “You, who decides with your anonymity! No more, I say! You, I deem Mitchell!”


But publication is just that, a business. It isn’t a part of publication. It isn’t a sub-genre. It is the business. Publication is just the pretty word Mitchell uses to hide it from the artists. Unfortunately, this means, a lot of artists aren’t getting through the front door without an understanding. Every artist, this artist, believes that their work is so moving, so breathtaking, so innovative that they need no more than their pen and prose. But really, there are a lot of great authors out there. And if you ever plan to make it through the front door, you need to accept that publishing is a business.

But what does that mean?

It means, you write a resume, not a query letter. You design a platform (another artsy word Mitchell uses to hide “buyers”). Really, Mitchell has done everything he can to disguise that publishing is a business.

My advice to the novice author: embrace this aspect of the job. Proudly set aside your pen and paper. Crawl out of the 1890 Bohemian mind frame we all love to embrace. Take Mitchell by the horns and embrace this concept. It’s going to be a long ride. You may as well enjoy it.


Why Brain to Books


Like you, I’ve built a book out of blood, sweat, and tears. Many times I threatened my book, telling it to cooperate or I would throw it into the trash. Many times it fought back under the guise of Bergen. When I decided to sit down to write, there was a substantial amount of information readily available to learn. Writing has never been easier… well… Getting the tools to write has never been easier.

Naturally, when I finished the writing and moved on to publication and marketing, I was expecting the same flood of information. I was grossly disappointed to find that no one had dug that well, let alone given it a chance to run dry. What followed were agonizing, mind-numbing weeks filled with research while I searched for a source where someone spelled out the answers to my questions. What I found was vague at best, or a sales pitch tagged to the words “Buy my Book for $40.00 and I’ll give you the answers.”


If I could afford the $40.00 I wouldn’t need the answers they promised because I would be where they were with the knowledge I need not needing the $40.00 to buy their book.

This is when I realized I would be paving my own road to publication. Right then, I decided I would do the grunt work, and pass it on for free, all so others like me wouldn’t have to scrape, scrounge, and bleed to find the same answers I had to make for myself.

I called my idea Brain to Books. And everything in this book is already published all over my social media and websites.

The purpose of this book is only to accumulate it into a beautiful, compact easy to find package.

What began as a “See what it takes to become an author while an author is being made” evolved into the company that provides free promo work to authors of all back ground.


So why Brain to Books? Because in a world where more and more authors are turning to self-promotion, someone needs to step up, take them by the hand with a warm smile, and let them know the way.


Myths and Truths of Publishing

The Cold Truth

  1. You will have to do your own marketing… no matter how you decide to publish. Don’t think a certain route will get you away from marketing. Those days no longer exist.
  2. You will make less than $100.00 your first year. No matter how good your book is.
  3. No one will want to buy your book. No one will buy a book from someone they don’t know. Not without a lot of convincing, begging, and possibly freebies.
  4. The more time you invest in marketing, the more results you will see.
  5. You will have to market and sell if you want to see those results
  6. Understand and appreciate the word “fluke”
  7. You will struggle getting your first reviews
  8. You and your book are a drop in an ocean
  9. Building a readership and finding fans takes time. Three to six years and at least three books.
  10. This can be done. Just don’t expect immediate results.

Are you discouraged? Don’t be. This book spells everything out for you. So long as you don’t go in expecting immediate fame and fortune… so long as you go in with realistic expectations, you’ll keep your head about this and do very well.


End of Sample


This book is due to release summer 2016



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About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.