2016 Book Blast Ellison Blackburn

Brain to Books2016 Summer Book Blast(1)

Brain to Books Presents Ellison Blackburn

  • Genre: Science Fiction and Metaphysical Fiction
  • Series: The Regeneration Chronicles

The Regeneration ChroniclesThe Regeneration Chronicles is a character-driven series about time and being human—a heady mix of realism, science fiction, and hope.

The Regeneration Chronicles begin with Regeneration X:

55-year-old, Charlotte Rhys Fenn is experiencing a mid-life crisis and thus, is trying to except boredom as a reality for the rest of her life. In 2025, a medical technology breakthrough, the modern-day fountain of youth means a redo of the past is possible.

Charley’s long since buried dreams would be within her grasp and adventure is guaranteed but taking the risk could destroy all she has endeavored for, changing her life for better or worse.

Then on to Progeny:

Two hundred years later, cellular regression has become a way of life. Emery Kidd, a Chronicler, is aware of the minute details of a society dramatically changed in the course of the two hundred years since regeneration began. She also knows why the population of the planet has dwindled in that time and how history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Mankind will come face to face with its true inheritance. With the help of her friends, Emery must find a way to remind the world that survival still requires conscious effort. If something isn’t done, extinction of the species is inevitable.

The story of regeneration concludes in After Effect:

Emery Kidd’s perfect if not mundane life changes when she once again encounters Serafina Strong. As a consequence of the Progeny Project, the enforcement system Sera has worked for her entire life has been abolished, however, she is uniquely qualified for another role.

In her multi-regenerative lifetime, Sera had died twice and each death came with a gift. First, she was revived, then came foresight, followed by clarity in her visions. What she sees now is that the prospects for the human race are very dim. Emery, Sera, and the rest of the team will attempt to veer the course of the future Sera has foreseen.

The Regeneration Chronicles is on SALE. Get on Amazon.

bio-picEllison Blackburn grew up in worldly Chicago and now lives in the breathtaking Pacific Northwest with her husband and their darling, furry beasties. While the scenery of the PNW is inspiring, fulfilling and all that, she sorely misses the divine cuisine of the Second City.

Aside from penning realistic, speculative, soft science-fiction tales of what it means to be human: today, tomorrow, and several hundred years from now, Ellison enjoys painting, traveling, and collecting whatnots.

Learn more:
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About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.